You took me by surprise with that one. Sonic is usually a platformer. You're breaking new grounds! (haha, I crack myself up). Ok, here goes:
-Music is very loud, and still much softer than the battle sound effects. Look into balancing everything to a closer level, and a softer one.
-During the cut scene, the buttons are very... well, we made stuff that looked like that in a High School class. Maybe put an arrow on it, keep it in the same spot every time, shoot for some design and consistancy. While its great to change designs slightly between characters, you don't have to invert everything. The massive character picture (It's not a bad thing, trust me) makes the speaker obvious, and you don't need the whole dialogue window design to change as well.
-Battle was very one dimensional. Maybe have intelligent enemies - ones that use stronger attacks at the beginning and weaker ones after you're damaged, or the other way around, to make battles interesting. There are many ways to mix up a boss in a battle, simply by planning his attacks. Be creative, not random, with it.
I can see you put a lot of effort into this game, and I admire your dedication. This game shows much promise, and although RPG's are certainly not my thing, I will certainly look forward to seeing a sequel (or edits =P)